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Litha – the Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice (c&h)

The longest day of the year goes by many names. But whether you call June 21st Midsummer, Litha, or even Beltane (as some covens do), today is a fabulous day to celebrate.

For Wiccans, Litha is celebrated as the height of the Sun God’s strength. After Midsummer the god weakens and begins to die (to be reborn again at Yule), but today he is strong and powerful. We may light bonfires or candles to commemorate as sun sets and the shortest night begins. In lieu of bonfires, some people prefer decorate their home in sunflowers to represent the Sun God’s warmth.

Love and fertility are also important themes at Midsummer. Dropping a Chamomile sachet into a bath is a great way to cleanse negativity, while attracting love into your life. Some people also choose to jump over bonfires for purity and luck (which is totally dangerous. If you choose to be ridiculous and jump over a bonfire, don’t try to blame your burnt off eyebrows on me).

Even if you aren’t Pagan, Midsummer is still a magical time. The longest day of the year is a perfect time for Barbecues, hikes, and trips to the beach.

Stay safe out there, no matter how you choose to celebrate!



It’s About Time, Oregon!

In case you all haven’t heard, Oregon has finally legalized Marriage Equality!

I’m so proud to be able to say that I live in a state that supports love.

The most heartfelt congratulations to all of my friends who can now tie the knot with those they love!


Blessed be,



Let’s Talk About Herbs : Red Pepper

red pepper (c&h)

Red Pepper (whether crushed, as pictured, or as whole chili peppers) is thought to increase love and fidelity. Sleeping with two crossed peppers under your pillow is supposed to ensure your love will never stray.

Red Pepper is also a powerful hex-breaker. Scattering this crushed herb around your property will break a curse, while adding a pinch to a tea will help prevent future attacks.


Let’s Talk About Herbs : Cinnamon


Cinnamon is used to promote healing, psychic powers, protection, lust, and love.

Burning cinnamon incense is a great way to raise spiritual vibrations and call in good energy. When used in a cleansing ritual, cinnamon incense is also a powerful protective force.

Adding a little cinnamon to your tea can have a big effect, and can differ depending on what tea you’re using.

Mixing a dash into Orange Spice tea can bring lust into your life. When mixed with Raspberry, it can bring love. And warmed apple cider can be flavored with cinnamon to encourage healing.

Cinnamon is also thought to ease digestion issues. So sprinkle it into your ginger tea and tell your insides to cool it.


Let’s Talk About Stones : Jade


Jade is usually associated with the Heart Chakra, making it a nurturing stone. It’s often used to attract harmony, luck, and emotional love.

It’s also a great protective stone. Jade is thought to purify and cleanse just about everything, including negative energy that might be coming your way. Placing a piece of Jade between two white or purple candles is thought to enhance the stone’s protective energy. Wearing or carrying this blessed stone is thought to protect against physical accidents and injuries.

Jade is also considered a healing stone, especially of the abdomen. Some believe that wearing a bracelet of Jade will discourage kidney stones, while others say it will ease pains in childbirth.

Jade comes in lots of shades, from white to brown to dark green. While some of these colors are more expensive, they all work for magickal purposes.

Plus, when you get them all together, they look pretty cool.
